You live your life,
We stop you scrolling it away

Padlock is a physical device which removes distracting apps and places them out of reach, while leaving the ones you need

Exclusively for iPhones

A stylized silver padlock with the word 'PADLOCK' embossed on it.
Graphic showing app icons with text 'Select The Apps You Want To Lock Away'.


Lock your distracting apps

Illustration of a person placing a padlock on a high shelf with the caption 'Put Padlock Somewhere Out Of The Way'.


Put Padlock out of reach

A hand holding a padlock with an illustrated phone and lock symbol in the background.


Distractions are blocked

1. Block your distractions

Graphic showing app icons with text 'Select The Apps You Want To Lock Away'.

2. Put Padlock out of reach

Illustration of a person placing a padlock on a high shelf with the caption 'Put Padlock Somewhere Out Of The Way'.

3. Access only the tools you need

Illustration of a person placing a padlock on a high shelf with the caption 'Put Padlock Somewhere Out Of The Way'.

1. Choose apps to block

Graphic showing app icons with text 'Select The Apps You Want To Lock Away'.
Graphic showing app icons with text 'Select The Apps You Want To Lock Away'.

2. Put Padlock out of reach

Illustration of a person placing a padlock on a high shelf with the caption 'Put Padlock Somewhere Out Of The Way'.
Graphic showing app icons with text 'Select The Apps You Want To Lock Away'.

3. Enjoy life without distractions

Illustration of a person placing a padlock on a high shelf with the caption 'Put Padlock Somewhere Out Of The Way'.

What makes it different?

Apple's screen time reminders are great if you stop scrolling when they pop up! However, if you often find yourself ignoring the reminders for a "quick peek" that lasts half an hour, then Padlock's perfect for you.

Put Padlock somewhere out of the way, and your distracting apps follow it. In order to unlock your distractions you need to tap Padlock against your phone.

With Padlock,
the "Key" to unlock your distracting apps is placed out of reach. The effort involved in retrieving Padlock greatly outweighs the desire to scroll in the moment.

See Padlock In Use:

Why's it so effective?

Other screen time control methods can easily be bypassed, Padlock can't. So there's no way to start scrolling again in a moment of weakness.

Padlock makes mindless scrolling a chore.

For example, if you always use your phone late at night, put Padlock downstairs. When you're comfortably tucked in to bed and that urge to check your phone appears, the last thing you want is to have to turn on all the lights and go downstairs. Maybe falling asleep is easier after all? 

Silver padlock illustration on a blue backdrop.


48 Trusted Customer Reviews


Padlock is a device which temporarily removes distracting apps and their notifications from your phone. Leaving the helpful tools you need to function in modern society behind.


The average Padlock user reduces their screen time by 10 hours per week, that's over 500 hours per year saved. What price would you put on that?


Compatible With Apple iPhones Only.


    Guaranteed to reduce your screen time, or your money back

    Next day dispatch

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    No matter what your questions are, we're more than happy to help!
    Please email us at or use our live chat

    What if I have any problems with my Padlock?

    What if I lose my Padlock?

    Can't I just use the standard screen time controls on my iPhone already?

    Are there any subscriptions required to use Padlock?

    How do I download the Padlock app?

    What phones is Padlock compatible with?


    © 2024 The Padlock App Company 

    71-75 Shelton Street, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ

    +44 3301339615